Memories in Brunei Darussalam

Memories in Brunei Darussalam

The four weeks experience in Brunei is very special and memorable for me, this is the first time I go abroad alone to attend a programme.

This is also one of the rasaons why I came to Brunei. Brunei is not a very popular study or tourist destination in China, I think if I attend those popular programmes, almost students from the same country, which is no difference between attending in the group tours.

Actually, I am the only student from the mainland China in the Discover Brunei Course and I am fortunate to have met so many friends from different places in Brunei.

From this programme, I try to shoot video, and take fewer photos. More and more people are becoming a vlogger, the decline of photography in the field of entertainment & art is doomed, we have to adapt to the new situation.



MEMORIES IN BRUNEI is a video I edited with material that I have not published, and I have finished it during the National Day holiday. It’s based on the theme of memories, which wil give you a feeling of softness and relaxation.



Hey, Brunei

Hey, Brunei was edited in Brunei. At first, I did not know we need a group video, so I put the previous part on the Internet early. Later it became our group video, I think I should post it later🤣.

▲ 《Hey, Brunei》YouTube link

▲ 《Hey, Brunei》BiliBili link


I think the theme of DBC is explore the unknown, learn more, and sleep.

You can see sleepy people alomst anywhere, but Koichiro not, no sleep at the important moment must be the duty of a photographer😼.

We had a lot of lessons in UBD, we learned about the history of brunei, the ecology of brunei, basic malay, islamic calligraphy, islamic finance, etc. I really learned a lot of knowledge that I didn’t know before. I am particalarly interested in lslamic finance, but I still can’t understand how lslamic finance works😕.


Mangrove forest

The natural environment of Brunei really different from China, we saw crocodiles, birds and monkeys in the mangroves.

Some traces of residence and industry.


I like hiking very much, so I still went although the ankle has not cured. It turned out to be correct choice.

Eco-ponies garden

I saw the banana tree for the first time in the eco-ponies garden.

Angela and amami and yurika and I heard a noise during the conversation. At first we thought it was a monkey, then we found out that a durian fell from the tree. I picked up the durian and shared it with others, how unforgettable experience🥰!


ULU-ULU Temburong national park at another part of Brunei, not connected to the bigger part of brunei by land. The relationship is very similar as Wuxi and Yixing. So we went to OBBD and ULU-ULU by boat and through the malaysia, but the Temburong Bridge is under construction, may be next time we can go through the bridge to temburong.The scenery of the park is beautiful, and the rainforest next to the river is different from other places.

The observation deck built by the iron frame needs to climb up and climb down by ourselves. The scenery is very good at the top of the observation deck.


Maybe it’s because I often take photos for team building activities (to take money🤑), I really don’t like OBBD. I think we can do all the activities in the city or park near the downtown, we need not take few hours to go to the rain forest then do the team building activities. It’s a big gap with my imagination that explore in the rain forest. But I did learn a lot from the activities of the team building company, I really admire the leadership of 思淇 and 奈和, and I also had a clear understanding of my own shortcomings.


Open market

The open market gives me the feeling of a Thai market, maybe because near to the river. I never saw the orange colour durian before, I regret not trying it😩.

Night market

The price is very cheap and the taste of the fish is very good at the night market.

We met a famous Japanese actress called 二階堂富美, but she is not famous in China. Perhaps because of makeup and dress, she doesn’t look like just one year older than me😢. Everyone thinks that shooting is illegal, but the teacher who worked in film and television once told me that this is not the case.

Shopping mall

You can see oppo, vivo and their sub-brands everywhere, mobile phones are one of the more mature industrial products in the Chinese industrial chain.

贡茶 Gong Cha is very popular in Aisa, but not popular in China.

The banana in the supermarket is much more expensive than the open market and china, and we never buy a green banana in china.

The style of the supermarket is very American.

The portrait of the Sultan was hung on the wall of the game hall.

Wuzun’s bakery

Thanks wayne for taking me here, he appears in the lower left corner of the picture😹.


The first time we went to Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque was at night, so we couldn’t get in and visit it. UBD also organized a visit before we left Brunei, but I did not notice the message in the Line group. I am very grateful to Wii for taking me to visit mosques after the UBD’s organization.

Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque

Jame Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque

Ash-Shaliheen Mosque

Brunei International Airport Mosque

Jerudong Park

I like this park. It is really too few people. We are almost a private field, and the projects are not particularly exciting. The most memorable thing is water park, I learned a lot of new ways to play water with friends, and the joy time seems that I came back to my childhood🐳.

The food court and the sky are also good, but it is time to leave, when we are about to leave Brunei.

Traditional costume

We experienced the traditional costumes of Brunei and took a group photo. Many friends looked very different after wearing traditional costumes.

I don’t know why I has 文化输出了 this gesture. In fact, few people use this gesture in China😂.

Hazim’s home

Hazim kindly invited us to his home and prepared a hearty meal.

Hazim also prepared fireworks for us。

Hazim also shared the feelings of graduation and the painful stories. I hope everything can get better.

Close Ceremony

All good things come to an end.


From the beginning to the end, you can see the sight from the same position in the dormitory.


Many of buddys sent us to the airport and many friends wrote letters each other, which made me very moved.

The sky before leaving was very beautiful.


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